ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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Publications tagged as

Gamma aminobutyric acid

Gaba – benzodiazepine – chloride receptor – targeted therapy for tinnitus control: preliminary report

Our goal was to attempt to establish neuropharmacological tinnitus control (i.e., relief) with medication directed to restoration of a deficiency in the g-aminobutyric acid – benzodiazepine – chloride receptor in tinnitus patients with a diagnosis of a predominantly central type tinnitus.

Gabapentine for periodic alternating nystagmus

The variety of suggested treatments of nystagmus probably reflect its multiple pathogenetic mechanisms. Basic studies have shown that several neurotransmitters are involved in the ocular motor control, including gamma-aminobutyrric acid (GABA), acetylcholine and glycine. Recently, Stahl et al. (1995 ) investigated the effects of gabapentine on acquired pendular nystagmus in two patients with multiple sclerosis. […]



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