ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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Publications tagged as

Neurootometric tests

Vertigo in relation to postraumatic cervical syndromes

Cervical syndrome is a condition caused by irritation or compression of the cervical structures including spines, spinal cord, nerves and muscles, marked by pain in the neck radiating into the shoulder, arm, or forearm, depending on which nerve root is affected or neurosensorial signs like vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision etc. due to the cervical-encephalic irritations […]

Neurosensorial complaints of patients with diabetes receiving oral versus insulin treatment

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic syndrome of impaired carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism secondary to insufficient secretion of insulin or to target tissue insulin resistance. The most common and most overlooked cause of vertigo is the impairment of carbohydrate metabolism. It is important that the patient with vertigo must be investigated from a metabolic point […]

Depressive disorders in relation to neurootological complaints like vertigo, dizziness, hearingloss and tinnitus

Depression is a mental state of depressed mood characterised by feelings of sadness, despair, and discouragement. Depression ranges from normal feelings of “the blues” through dysthymia to major depression. It in many ways resembles the grief and mourning that follow bereavement. There are often feelings of low self-esteem, guilt, and somatic symptoms such as eating […]

Neurootological evaluation comparative values findings mexico-germany-argentina

Aim: comparative study in vestibular function in patients with vertigo using craneocorpography, computerized electronystagmograhy and ultrasonography doppler of head and neck at Mexico City, Germany and Argentina. Materials and Methods: one thousand three hundred fourty three patients in Mexico,City with vertigo using craneocorporgraphy and computerized electronystagmography and ultrasonography doppler of head and neck. Results: 45,07% […]

The effect of betahistine (betaserc) on vestibular function in vertebro-basilar insufficiency

The aim of the study was to observe the usefulness of Betaserc in therapy of vestibular disorders in the patients with vertebro-basilar insufficiency. 80 patients (43 female, 37 male) were tested on the base of videonystagmography, stabilometry and brain stem auditory evoked potentials. Betaserc was ordered in two separate doses: 3x 8mg and 3x 16 […]

The effectiveness of dihydroergocristine mesylate upon central vestibular disorders of haemodynamic origin : a multi – centre s

Haemodynamic disorders are accounted amongst the most common factors for vertigo genesis. These disorders can occur in all age groups, but appear more often after the sixth decade of life. The location of the damage can be at the peripheral and / or central Vestibular levels. Dihydroergocristine Mesylate (DM) belongs to the “drug-menu” used for […]

Comparing neurootological complaints in patients at the end of their professional lives (51 – 60 years) with those during t

Geriatrics defines that branch of medicine which treats all problems peculiar to old age and the aging, including the clinical problems of senescence and senility. Aging describes the gradual changes in the structure of any organism that occur with the passage of time, that do not result from disease or other gross accidents, and that […]

Neurosensorial deficits in patients within 1 year and more than a year past myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction comprises gross necrosis of the myocardium, as a result of interruption of the blood supply to the area, as in coronary thrombosis. Myocardial infarction may occur when coronary vessels are narrowed or occlude, as the blood supply to the infarcted heart muscle is seriously impaired. Cardiovascular diseases are extremely wide spread and often […]

Neurootological aspects of posttraumatic complaints after severe head trauma

Concussion of the brain describes a violent jar or shock, or the condition which results from such an injury. Loss of consciousness obviously appears as the result of a blow to the head. In mild concussion there is transient loss of consciousness with possible impairment of the higher mental functions, such as retrograde amnesia and […]

Vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus after otobasal fractures

About 15% of temporal bone fractures are produced by blows to the occiput. The fracture line begins in the posterior fossa, at or near the foramen magnum, crosses the petrous ridge through the internal auditory canal and/or the otic capsule. Therefore it is thus called a transverse fracture. In transverse fractures of temporal bone, due […]



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