ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Publications tagged as

Balance disorders


Abstract The achievment of correct erect standing position, both in static and in dynamic conditions, require continuos adaptation of couterreaction of antigravitary muscles to the gravity force, in order to stabilize head position and to mantain erect position itself. Maintaining of upright position of the body is acquired via a continual to and fro movement […]

Die moderne diagnostik bei gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen einschließlich eng, ccg und vbep

Die menschliche Gleichgewichtsfunktion wird durch ein sogenanntes Raumkonzept mit Einspeisung von Informationen aus der Gleichgewichtstetrade, nämlich Auge, Vestibularis, Cochlea und Propriozept im menschlichen Hirnstamm gebildet. Ergänzt wird die Gleichgewichtsregulation durch cerebelläre und kortikale Musterverarbeitungsprozesse und Speicherinhalte. Gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen können an den verschiedensten Orten der genannten Rezeptoren, wie auch innerhalb des Zentralnervensystemes entstehen. Für die diagnostische Suche […]

Bipedestation studied by posturography

Now, with the statistical support of 1500 examined patients, we are ready to confirm the results of our former investigations. Moreover, it is now statistically demonstrated by us that in Test of Balance, the most significant parameters in the 4 tests, from an statistical point of view, are: Equilibrium Area Total Displacement and Average Velocity […]

A comparative study between posturography and other vestibular tests

Human bipedestation is a complex process of cerebral integration of visual, somatosensitive and vestibular information. Therefore, our requirement as physicians, is to try to objectify these cybernetopathologies through studies, in order to be able to prescribe a suitable therapy. The purpose of this work is to submit a comparative statistical study between posturography and other […]

Postural brain centers studied through posturography and brain electric tomography (loreta)

It has been demonstrated that by means of objective and quantitative methods – as the Test of Balance or Posturography – it is possible to evaluate the sensorial afferentias involved in bipedestation. The purpose of this presentation is to carry out a study using Posturography and Low Resolution Brain Electric Tomography (LORETA) in 153 Patients. […]

Ice hockey: a model to investigate dynamic balance control

Hockey is a contact team game played by international rules. According to the rules the hockey players while struggling for the puck are allowed to perform various co-operative and confrontational actions. Hockey is the faster team game. Players produces high velocities by skating using muscles power (about 30 Km/h). The game requires very fine eye-hand-legs […]

Stabilometry in patients with ménière’s disease

Objective: to analyze the oscillatory velocity of the pressure center (COP) of the body in different sensorial contexts in patients with Ménière’s Disease. Methods: 15 subjects, 02 males and 13 females, aged 28-71 years, who presented defined diagnostic of Ménière’s Disease were submitted to evaluation of the modified clinical test of sensorial integration (mCTSIB) by […]

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction in whiplash injuries: association with tinnitus and vertigo

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction in whiplash injuries is usual. The author describes the mechanism of this joint dysfunction and the physiopathology of tinnitus and associated balance disorders.

Freyss’ stabilometry and posturography- a comparison study

The usefulness of conventional posturography when the changes of muscle tonus of the lower limbs affect position of the center of gravity which movement is measured is well known. The radius of the gravity center deflection such as length of the „way” and velocity of the movement can be calculated and compared during sequences with […]

Navigation test

The balance system allows to our body to have a right relation with environment, this is probably due by different structures that collaborate to maintain the correct voluntary posture during erect position and the clear vision of the ambience; with regard to its synergetic purpose the balance system can therefore be schematised on the base […]



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