ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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Archived under the topic


Complicaciones intracraneanas de las otitis medias. reporte de un caso

En la actualidad , las complicaciones intracranealas de las afecciones supuradas del oído medio, gracias al correcto tratamiento de las otitis agudas mediante el empleo de antibióticos y la profilaxis y terapeútica adecuada de las otitis crónicas, han disminuído su frecuencia , transformándose en una rareza. Sin embargo es importante tenerlas en cuenta ya que […]

Weiterenwicklung des teilimplantierbaren luftleitungshörsystems retrox

Das RetroX Hörsystem (CE-Kennzeichnung in 2000, FDA-Zulassung in 2002) ist ein teilimplantierbares Luftleitungshörsystem für eine ohroffene Hörver-sorgung (1). Mit diesem Hörsystem können alle Außenohreffekte wie die Gehörgangsresonanz und die Richtungseffekte erhalten werden. Eine Okklusion des Ohres wird vermieden. Das Hörsystem ist besonders geeignet für die Behandlung eines Patienten mit einer Hochtonschwerhörigkeit. Der Schlüssel für die […]

Carcinoma verrugoso de conducto auditivo externo

In this work we describe the Verrucous Carcinoma characteristics in the external auditory conduct. It is an infrequent tumor in that area, with an apparently innocuous cytology but locally an invader. In describing the clinic of this pathology, the necessary complementary studies to reach a sure diagnosis, the deferential diagnosis that must be taken into […]

Outcomes from clarion implantation in india

The results of the use of clarion implants in 30 Indian patients have been evaluated. Cases included in the study were prelingual & postlingual patients where the cochlea was normal and prelingual patients where the cochlea had a Mondini defect or was ossified. It was found that multiple speech strategies available with the Clarion implant […]

Geniculate neuralgia: modern management

An uncommon cause of otalgia is geniculate neuralgia. In its most typical form it is characterized by severe paroxysmal neuralgic pain centered directly in the ear. The pain may be of a gradual onset and of a dull, persistent nature, with occasional sharp, stabbing pain. When the pain becomes intractable, an operation to surgically excise […]

Intra ear catheter (iec) – 3 years experience

On the ENT Dept at 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University Prague has been used 15 IEC for the therapy at chronic tinnitus. The succes ratio is evaluated by the mean of visual analogue scala (VAS) and by tinnitometr i.e. by meassurment of intensity (dB) and frequency (Hz) of tinnitus. Duration of tinnitus oscillated between […]

Comparison of speech encoding strategies (speak, ace, cis)

The developement of new cochlear implant devices allows the opportunity to use more sophisticated speech encoding strategies. The Nucleus 24 channels cochlear implant system offers the possibility to compare different strategies within the same patient. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal map by changing the three available speech encoding strategies (SPEAK, […]

How does cochlear implantation affect the contralateral vestibular system?

Cochlear implantation has been performed for 16 years by investigators at Semmelweis University. During this period, different types of cochlear implants have been used and, in 30% of cases, hearing was observed to be restored in the nonimplanted ear.

A new therapeutic procedure for treatment of objective venous pulsatile tinnitus

Pulsatile tinnitus usually means a turbulent flow within the vessels. We describe a 54-year-old man with a disabling objective pulsatile tinnitus due to a diverticulum of the sigmoid sinus toward the ipsilateral mastoid. We performed a surgical intervention via the endovascular route using coils to obliterate the diverticulum and a stent to avoid coil migration. […]

Impianto cocleare: iter selettivo nel bambino e nell’adolescente

L’iter selettivo, tanto per il bambino quanto per l’adolescente, per accedere all’Impianto Cocleare è un cammino le cui tappe principali possono essere così riassunte: – Indagine anamnestica – Bilancio audiologico – Bilancio logopedico – Indagini per immagini – Tests elettrofisiologici – Couselling famigliare…………………



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