ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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Publications tagged as

Ménière’s disease

Menière Disease – Is it a special sort of Migraine? Our experience

AbstractBergmann-Bertora_Meniére In order to confirm that Menière Syndrome or disease meets all parameters of a regular form of migraine in line with International Headache Society, we have carried out a comparative study with E-Loreta among 120 patients who have consulted on diagnosis of Menière Syndrome but accompanied with migraines or some background of them and […]

Complex rehabilitation of patients with Ménière’s disease

Abstract: Ménière’s disease is a severe disorder of the inner ear. The disorder has several types: periodical type (40%), progressive type (27%), regressive type (20%) and a variable form (13%). The treatment of the acute attack is quite easy, it contains antiemetic, antihistamines and benzodiazepines. The interval therapy has no evidence based rules. The aims […]

Viral infection and hsp-70 in ménière disease

Meniere’s disease (MD) is an idiopathic inner ear disorder characterized by fluctuating hearing loss, episodic vertigo and tinnitus. Its aetiology is unknown, although there is growing evidence that autoimmunity may be involved in its development. Our preliminary report investigated the co-occurence of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and viral and autoimmune antibodies in subjects affected […]

Ménière syndrome: cortical brain projections studied by brain electric tomography (loreta)

A study of cerebral cortical projections in Ménière Syndrome has been carried out. The analysis was made by Brain Electric Tomography – Loreta and the most significant areas have been evaluated by means of Statistical non Parametric Mapping – SnPM. The regular Ménière Syndrome (vertigo-hypoacusis-tinnitus) has a very important cortical representation in frontal areas Brodmann […]

Manual/musculoskeletal medicine in the treatmento of vertigo

Vestibular nuclei receive signals from the skin, muscle, and viscera, although the pathways conveying these nonlabyrinthine inputs to the vestibular nucleus neurons are unknown. Experimental data show that an anatomical substrate is present for somatosensory and visceral inputs to influence the activity of cells in the autonomic region of the vestibular nuclei and suggest that […]

P-100 in the treatment of Ménière’s disease, a clinical study

Patients suffering from Ménière’s disease are particularly sensitive to negative pressure in the middle ear. E.g. attacks of vertigo can be triggered by a descent in an aircraft when ventilation of the middle ear can become critical. Positive pressure pulse treatment has shown to have a beneficial effect on the symptomatology, and is now a […]

Menière syndrome and vestibular migraine: cortical brain projections

A comparative study of cerebral cortical projections in migraine, in Ménière Syndrome and in Ménière Syndromes with migraine has been carried out. The analysis was made by Brain Electric Tomography – Loreta and the most significant areas have been evaluated by means of Statistical non Parametric Mapping – SnPM. Ménière Syndromes together with migraine are […]

Meniere’s syndrome- is it a vascular lesion of inner ear?

Introduction: The classic Menière’s disease triad is: recurrent, episodic vertigo, hearing loss, not always fluctuating, and aural fullness or/and tinnitus. The etiology of the labyrinthine hydrops is not clear. Some authors suggest a connection between Meniére’ s syndrome, and vascular disorders. Single photon emission computer tomography scanning has been shown to be more sensitive than […]

Spinal fluid-perilymph relationships in patients with vertigo, tinnitus, pressure and hearing fluctuation

Over the last 28 years the author has been fascinated with both Meniere’s disease and patients with perilymphatic fistula (PLF), two conditions which at times closely resemble each other and at times may be indistinguishable. Both conditions manifest themselves with vertigo, tinnitus, pressure or fullness and hearing fluctuation or loss. All of these entities may […]

Stabilometry in patients with ménière’s disease

Objective: to analyze the oscillatory velocity of the pressure center (COP) of the body in different sensorial contexts in patients with Ménière’s Disease. Methods: 15 subjects, 02 males and 13 females, aged 28-71 years, who presented defined diagnostic of Ménière’s Disease were submitted to evaluation of the modified clinical test of sensorial integration (mCTSIB) by […]



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