ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Publications tagged as


A comparative study between posturography and other vestibular tests

Human bipedestation is a complex process of cerebral integration of visual, somatosensitive and vestibular information. Therefore, our requirement as physicians, is to try to objectify these cybernetopathologies through studies, in order to be able to prescribe a suitable therapy. The purpose of this work is to submit a comparative statistical study between posturography and other […]

Die moderne diagnostik bei gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen einschließlich eng, ccg und vbep

Die menschliche Gleichgewichtsfunktion wird durch ein sogenanntes Raumkonzept mit Einspeisung von Informationen aus der Gleichgewichtstetrade, nämlich Auge, Vestibularis, Cochlea und Propriozept im menschlichen Hirnstamm gebildet. Ergänzt wird die Gleichgewichtsregulation durch cerebelläre und kortikale Musterverarbeitungsprozesse und Speicherinhalte. Gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen können an den verschiedensten Orten der genannten Rezeptoren, wie auch innerhalb des Zentralnervensystemes entstehen. Für die diagnostische Suche […]

Craneocorpography test review

Many authors have reported different useful studies on the evaluation of the nystagmus which may be spontaneous and induced, any of these authors have been devoted to the study of vestibulo-spinal reflexes.1,2 The diagnosis of patients in modern neuro-otological centres has to include not only the history and examination, but also objective and quantitative tests. […]

Approccio diagnostico ai disturbi dell’equilibrio negli esiti di colpo di frusta

The goal of this work is to study the vestibular system of whiplash people using a 3D dCCG system. A new experimental set-up, based on optoelettronic technique, was developed to evaluate the 3D pattern of movement of head and trunk in different experimental set-ups. The exam protocol is very close to the classical one with […]

Comparative results of the craniocorpography (ccg) and test of balance

Many authors had reported different useful studies in the evaluation of the vestibular function through vestibular, somatosensorial, viso-cortical systems in the Test of Balance.1,8 and to study the vestibular function through vestibuloespinal system in the Cranio-Corpo-Graphy (CCG) 2,3,4 Upon researching 100 patients suffering from vertigo we found that 36 % of them were male patients […]

Neurootological evaluation comparative values findings mexico-germany-argentina

Aim: comparative study in vestibular function in patients with vertigo using craneocorpography, computerized electronystagmograhy and ultrasonography doppler of head and neck at Mexico City, Germany and Argentina. Materials and Methods: one thousand three hundred fourty three patients in Mexico,City with vertigo using craneocorporgraphy and computerized electronystagmography and ultrasonography doppler of head and neck. Results: 45,07% […]

Analisi della postura nella scoliosi mediante craniocorpografia digitale

L’ equilibrio dell’ uomo e’ una funzione complessa che consente la stabilizzazione delle immagini sulla retina durante il movimento della testa e/o del corpo nello spazio (coordinazione oculomotoria) e l’ opposi-zione alla forza di gravita’ realizzando quindi sia la stazione eretta (coordinazione d’equilibrio statico) sia il movimento nell’ ambiente (coordinazione d’equilibrio dinamico). Contemporaneamente alla coordinazione […]

Neurotogical evaluation comparative values findings mexico-germany-argentina

Many authors had reported different usefull studies in the evaluation of the nystagmus which may be spontaneous and induce, any one of these have been given to study the vestibular function through of vestibuloespinal, retinalocular, vestibuloocular systems in the Cranio-Corpo-Graphy (CCG) and the Computarized Electronystagmography (CNG). Upon researching 1340 patients suffering from we found that […]

Quantitative evaluation of stepping test data of patients with whiplash through digital craniocorpography

Digital-CranioCorpoGraphy (dCCG) can study the Equilibrium System through simple experimental procedures. The instrumentation records the movements of the head and the trunk of the patient suffering from whiplash syndrome who performs a motor task (Stepping Test).

Huspatrac – a method of measuring and visualizing human space trails of movements and accelerations of head, neck and body

Since many years we are using the local positioning system of ultrasound computer cranio-corpo-graphy (US-COMP-CCG). The patient is carrying a helmet with 2 ultrasound markers and a shoulder fixation with 2 other ultrasound markers. A computer unit is triggering the ultrasound impulses. Backwardly and above the patient is the ultrsound receiver unit containing several ultrasound […]



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