ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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Electronystagmographic analysis of optokinetic and smooth pursuit eye movement disorders in vestibular lesions

The electronystagmographical analysis is very important in most of the vestibular disorders. The analysis of the caloric test is very useful in the differential diagnostic procedure of central and peripheral vestibular lesions. Authors analyzed the results of their 327 patients examined in the last 18 months. Methods: In the OKN test the target is moving […]

Die moderne diagnostik bei gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen einschließlich eng, ccg und vbep

Die menschliche Gleichgewichtsfunktion wird durch ein sogenanntes Raumkonzept mit Einspeisung von Informationen aus der Gleichgewichtstetrade, nämlich Auge, Vestibularis, Cochlea und Propriozept im menschlichen Hirnstamm gebildet. Ergänzt wird die Gleichgewichtsregulation durch cerebelläre und kortikale Musterverarbeitungsprozesse und Speicherinhalte. Gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen können an den verschiedensten Orten der genannten Rezeptoren, wie auch innerhalb des Zentralnervensystemes entstehen. Für die diagnostische Suche […]

Saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movement

The origin of the generation of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements has not been proved. The goal of the study was to search for the connection of the visual- oculomotor reactions: saccades and eye-tracking test with cerebellar damage. 11 patients treated with aminoglicosides, because of pneumonia, were tested using electronystagmography (ENG). After 21 (mean) […]

Neurootological evaluation comparative values findings mexico-germany-argentina

Aim: comparative study in vestibular function in patients with vertigo using craneocorpography, computerized electronystagmograhy and ultrasonography doppler of head and neck at Mexico City, Germany and Argentina. Materials and Methods: one thousand three hundred fourty three patients in Mexico,City with vertigo using craneocorporgraphy and computerized electronystagmography and ultrasonography doppler of head and neck. Results: 45,07% […]

Eng outcome and neuropsychological findings in tinnitus patients

Psychological aspects are often underlined in generation of tinnitus so we assessed the neuropsychological status in our group of patients. We also found increased number of abnormal ENG recordings in tinnitus patients so the aim of this study was to compare the ENG outcome with their neuropsychological status. The study was carried on 69 subjects […]

Neurotogical evaluation comparative values findings mexico-germany-argentina

Many authors had reported different usefull studies in the evaluation of the nystagmus which may be spontaneous and induce, any one of these have been given to study the vestibular function through of vestibuloespinal, retinalocular, vestibuloocular systems in the Cranio-Corpo-Graphy (CCG) and the Computarized Electronystagmography (CNG). Upon researching 1340 patients suffering from we found that […]

Vestibular findings in degenerative cns lesions

33 patients (9 male and 24 female) aged 28-59 (average 43,2) with multiple sclerosis were tested on the base of electro/videonystagmography. The duration of the disease was from half a year to 26 years. The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of the central and peripheral vestibular disturbances in multiple sclerosis due […]

Evaluation of oculomotor tests in patients with tinnitus

Tinnitus as a symptom remains a serious multidisciplinary problem. Vertigo or dizziness is not noticed frequently in tinnitus patients, so vestibular function is not often studied.

Vestibular evoked potentials (vbep) : a comparative clinical study

Last year, we have introduced in our laboratory the vestibular evoked potentials (VbEP) as a new test, in order to facilitate the neurootological diagnosis.

Moderne aspekte des halsschleudertraumas

Bei dem sogenannten Halsschleudertrauma handelt es sich um eine neuartige Zivilisationskrankheit, die wir vor allem in der Häufung, in der wir sie heute antreffen, zu Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts noch nicht gekannt haben.



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