ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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How can reach the patients with vertigo the otoneurological department?

In Hungarian expertise the patients with vertigo and sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus are examined and treated in special outpatient departments of hospitals. Authors are analyzing the data of their patients, which were examined in the last two years in their otoneurological outpatient department. Most of the patients reach the outpatient department from general otolaryngological […]

Predisposition to vertigo-based on the vessel extension test

Phlethysmogram monitoring degree of the vessel extension would show condition of the blood flow. Impaired blood flow in the peripheral and central vestibular system is one of the major causes of acute onset of vertigo. In younger patients, phlethysmogram sometimes showed unbalance of the blood flow in the right and left side. Surprisingly the side […]

Relationships between the lower atmospheric pressure and vertigo

It is known that the lower atmospheric pressure is highly related with orthopedic pain. It also seemed there was relationships between the pressure and onset of vertigo. Professor Wada in Japan reported the relationships at the congress as an invited speaker. Our question is what patients’ factors are responsible for the onset. Lower atmospheric pressure […]

Acustic neurinoma. report a case.

By Definition Acoustic Neurinoma is a benign tumor that may develop on the hearing and balance nerves near the inner ear. The tumor results from an overproduction of Schwann cells – small, sheet-like cells that normally wrap around nerve fibers like onion skin and help support the nerves. When growth is abnormally excessive, Schwann cells […]

3d digital craniocorpography: whiplash injury

The goal of this work is to study the vestibular system of whiplash people using a 3D dCCG system. A new experimental set-up, based on optoelettronic technique, was developed to evaluate the 3D pattern of movement of head and trunk in different experimental set-ups. The exam protocol is very close to the classical one with […]

Die moderne diagnostik bei gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen einschließlich eng, ccg und vbep

Die menschliche Gleichgewichtsfunktion wird durch ein sogenanntes Raumkonzept mit Einspeisung von Informationen aus der Gleichgewichtstetrade, nämlich Auge, Vestibularis, Cochlea und Propriozept im menschlichen Hirnstamm gebildet. Ergänzt wird die Gleichgewichtsregulation durch cerebelläre und kortikale Musterverarbeitungsprozesse und Speicherinhalte. Gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen können an den verschiedensten Orten der genannten Rezeptoren, wie auch innerhalb des Zentralnervensystemes entstehen. Für die diagnostische Suche […]

Air pollution and paroxismal positional vertigo

Bipedestation studied by posturography

Now, with the statistical support of 1500 examined patients, we are ready to confirm the results of our former investigations. Moreover, it is now statistically demonstrated by us that in Test of Balance, the most significant parameters in the 4 tests, from an statistical point of view, are: Equilibrium Area Total Displacement and Average Velocity […]

Manual/musculoskeletal medicine in the treatmento of vertigo

Vestibular nuclei receive signals from the skin, muscle, and viscera, although the pathways conveying these nonlabyrinthine inputs to the vestibular nucleus neurons are unknown. Experimental data show that an anatomical substrate is present for somatosensory and visceral inputs to influence the activity of cells in the autonomic region of the vestibular nuclei and suggest that […]

A comparative study between posturography and other vestibular tests

Human bipedestation is a complex process of cerebral integration of visual, somatosensitive and vestibular information. Therefore, our requirement as physicians, is to try to objectify these cybernetopathologies through studies, in order to be able to prescribe a suitable therapy. The purpose of this work is to submit a comparative statistical study between posturography and other […]



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