ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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Archived under the topic


Ultra-high-frequency acoustic stimulation and tinnitus control: a positron emission tomography study

Ultra-high-frequency (UHF) external acoustic stimulation with the UltraQuiet device (UQ) has been reported to provide significant relief of severe disabling-type tinnitus. The nuclear medicine imaging technique of positron emission tomography (PET) was selected as a monitoring system to compare objectively metabolic alterations in brain function before and after UHF/UQ and to correlate the PET data […]

Neurootological test profiles in workers with noisy and chemical environments

Our modern public health prevision scheme deals with the protection of workers’ health. This is necessary to reduce or eliminate hazards due to work. Industrial accidents and unsafe working conditions may result in health disturbances, acute or chronic illnesses. Chemical, as well as physical hazards amongst external sources lead to untoward changes in health. Hazards […]

Sequential sound therapy in tinnitus

Sequential sound therapy, which uses wide-band white noise distinguished by some unique characteristics, is applied in the treatment of tinnitus. The methodology is described, as are the differences from and similarities to tinnitus retraining therapy. We have performed sequential sound therapy in 26 patients from 2002 through part of 2003. Thirty-eight generators of sounds were […]

Neurootological test results in rehabilitation

For this study we have selected tinnitus patients who suffer from tinnitus during their professional life. Therefore this group has undergone a therapeutic rehabilitation therapy for tinnitus with a programmed ameliorative improving therapy with guidance, exercise, instructions and special tinnitus rehab-program. As has been proved by vestibular evoked cortical potentials, together with charting by means […]

Sodium enoxaparin for treatment of immune-mediated sensorineural hearing loss (imsnhl)

The literature does not report others therapeutic protocols for immune-mediated sensorineural hearing loss (IMSNHL) treatment with sodium enoxaparin or other kinds of unfractionated heparin: our decision to use enoxaparin was based both on the pathogenesis of this condition and on evaluation of the other classes of drugs currently used. Fifty patients, who had suffered from […]

Pulsatile tinnitus and carotid artery atherosclerosis

This cross-sectional study was designed to determine the prevalence of carotid artery atherosclerosis in patients with pulsatile tinnitus. All patients who had pulsatile tinnitus and presented to the otolaryngology clinic of Rasoul Akram Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences, and to some other private hospitals and clinics were referred to a tertiary referral center. From […]

Auditory pathways: spatial distribution in cortical brain in normal and tinnitus patients studied through loreta

Advances in basic research in neurosciences and the introduction of new non-invasive techniques, that make possible the detection of weak signals of the brain, have revolutionized diagnosis and treatment. The most often used methods for functional imaging of the human brain are positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). More recently, a […]

Sodium enoxaparin and venovenous hemofiltration for treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus.

The pathogenesis of sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and tinnitus are still not well understood. Prompted by such observations, we implemented a protocol using sodium enoxaparin associated with a venovenous hemofiltration for treatment of sudden hearing loss and tinnitus. The venovenous hemofiltration selectively eliminates fibrinogen, low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoprotein and complement from the blood […]

Tinnitus evoked by speech

Modulation of tinnitus by a variety of somatosensory stimuli and alteration of gaze has been described. We present two cases of tinnitus induced by speech (voice). The tinnitus was troublesome in both patients, and both had hearing loss and ischemic changes in the central nervous system documented by magnetic resonance imaging. We discuss cross-modal plasticity […]

Tinnitus supratentorial areas study through brain electric tomography (loreta)

The tinnitus can be functionally measured and localized through sensorymotor and neurosensorial tests, then there arises a great demand for a systematic pharmacological treatment. These tests indicate the numerous and different locations of the symptom, and enable us to prove that in around 24% of the patients, tinnitus has a peripheral origin, in 35% it […]



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