ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Archived under the topic


Vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus after otobasal fractures

About 15% of temporal bone fractures are produced by blows to the occiput. The fracture line begins in the posterior fossa, at or near the foramen magnum, crosses the petrous ridge through the internal auditory canal and/or the otic capsule. Therefore it is thus called a transverse fracture. In transverse fractures of temporal bone, due […]

Use of high-frequency and muscle vibration in the treatment of tinnitus

Although tinnitus is defined as an internal auditory sensation, external auditory stimuli can mask tinnitus under some circumstances. High-frequency vibration delivered as bone conduction stimulation is effective in masking high-pitched tinnitus. In this preliminary report, somatosensory stimulation in the form of low-frequency muscle vibration can also mask high-frequency tinnitus. Somatosensory stimulation provides fast, immediate relief, […]

Contribution of high click stimulus repetition rate in auditory evoked potentials in multiple sclerosis patients with normal mri

The purpose of this work was to evaluate if a stimulus reptition rate that is higher than 30 clicks/sec increases the sensitivity of the absolute latencies of waves I, III and V and interpeak intervals I-III, III-V and I-V in the Auditory Brainstem Responses.(ABR) of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients.

Auditory evoked brainstem responses in patients with cronic hypozincemia: a clinical study.

Some authors have postulate that sistemic zinc can be employed in the threatment of tinnitus, because a sub-clinical hypozincemia is suposed to promote this auditory disturbance. However, in the majority of the cases of tinnitus, this hypozincemia was not confirmed. There is not enough randomized studies that could show the relationship between zinc and tinnitus. […]

Depressive disorders in relation to neurootological complaints like vertigo, dizziness, hearingloss and tinnitus

Depression is a mental state of depressed mood characterised by feelings of sadness, despair, and discouragement. Depression ranges from normal feelings of “the blues” through dysthymia to major depression. It in many ways resembles the grief and mourning that follow bereavement. There are often feelings of low self-esteem, guilt, and somatic symptoms such as eating […]

Palatal and middle-ear myoclonus: a cause for objective tinnitus

The cause of objective tinnitus provoked by palatal and middle-ear myoclonus may be identified by magnetic resonance imaging of the central nervous system in the Guilliain-Mollaret triangle or it may be idiopathic. The idiopathic cases are rare. From the literature, one can perceive the following unanswered questions: (1) Are palatal and middle-ear myoclonus different entities […]

Plasticicy of cochlear nuclei following unilateral deafness due to cochlear ablation.

The auditory system has been the subject on studies of its capability to develop plastic responses to different kinds of lesions. Regeneration has been observed in the peripheral portions of the system, with neogenesis of hair cells in avians, sometimes followed by functional rehabilitation, with electrophysiological confirmation. It has been also noticed the ocurrence of […]

Tinnitus neurotopography: pathways and areas studied through brain electric tomography (loreta)

Advances in basic research in neurosciences and the introduction of new non-invasive techniques, that make possible the detection of weak signals of the brain, have revolutionized diagnosis and treatment. The most often used methods for functional imaging of the human brain are positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). More recently, a […]

Tinnitus outcome profile and tinnitus control

This reports recommends the consideration of development of additional outcome measures to be used as a battery of subjective self-assessment questionnaires for patients with tinnitus. The goal is improved overall care for the tinnitus patient. The name of the battery of outcome questionnaires is TOP. Five existing outcome measurements have been incorporated into the profile […]

Bilateral tinnitus due to middle-ear myoclonus

Tinnitus is a common otological symptom. Usually it is subjective (perceived only by the patient); very rarely is it objective (heard by both the patient and the examiner). Objective tinnitus due to middle-ear myoclonus is extremely rare, with only a few case reports published in the literature. We present three cases of objective tinnitus caused […]



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