ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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Archive by date

Year 2004

Medical classification of tinnitus between bruits, exogenous and endogenous tinnitus and other types of tinnitus

Introduction: Tinnitus is a common complaint of modern patients. In an epidemiologic survey on the population of Cardiff, Glasgow, Nottingham and South Hampton (1984) it has been reported that between 33,8% up to 39% of the persons answered positively to the general questions: “Have you ever noticed noises on your head or ears?” Within the […]

Eröffnung des tinnitus-kurs- tour de bad kissingen

Zusammenfassung: Bad Kissingen ist seit einer Generation, d.h. seit 30 Jahren, Standort für die wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Neurootologie und Aequilibriometrie e.V. Damit ist Bad Kissingen die ausstrahlende Heimat der internationalen Neurootologie – jetzt z.B. des 1. Deutsch-amerikanischen Tinnituskurs am 24.3.2004. Ob unsere wissenschaftlichen Freunde und Tagungsteilnehmer als Gäste unserer Veranstaltungen aus Nord, […]

Vertigo and dizziness profile in the primary health care institution patients

Vertigo is one of the most frequent clinical syndromes. According literature about 65 percent of patients in Western Europe coming to the primary health care physician complain on vertigo. The aim of our study was to evaluate the profile of vertigo and dizziness in patients of one Lithuanian regional primary health care institution. Specially designed […]

Delayed endolymphatic hydrops as a clinical entity

Delayed endolymphatic hydrops (DEH) is a clinical entity which can be differentiated from Ménière’s disease and is typically observed in patients who have been suffering from longstanding unilateral profound inner ear hearing loss. DEH is probably caused by delayed atrophy or fibrous obliteration of the endolymphatic resorptive system of the membranous labyrinth. The time that […]

Electrically evoked brain-stem response (eabr) examinations on cochlear implanted patients

Aftercare of cochlear implant users, programming of the speech processor, the processor program’s most accurate possible and personalized settings are very important for the patients. The task is particularly hard in case of praelingually deaf subjects and in case of children. It has been a demand for long in audiometry to make the measurements independent […]

The factors of change of psychophysical parameters at cochlear implant users

The operation of the speech processor plays a major role in the process of hearing with a cochlear implant. The speech processor must be programmed so that the hearing sensation that arises by electrical stimulation must be as close to the normal hearing sensation as possible. In the course of programming the speech processor one […]

Impedance variability during the programming of the speech processor

The most important step during the fitting of the speech processor is to determine the electrical comfort and threshold levels, which implies a series of psychophysical measurements. The intensity of the current that evokes hearing experience (hearing threshold level) and that evokes a tolerable loudness (hearing comfort level) must carefully be determined on all electrodes. […]

Vertigo, phobia and panic

Phobia and panic are frequently associated to vertigo. The literature concerning phobia and panic describes and points out these disorders. Therefore the pychoanalytical considerations will be the support utilized for the comprehension of these dynamical psychic process.

20 years of vertigo in a portuguese health care unit

The authors have conducted a retrospective study in about 15,000 beneficiaries of Portugal Telecom/ACS who attended its ENT Department at its Health Care Unit of Lisbon, during a period of 20 years (1983-2003). 1001 patients with isolated or associated vertigo complaints were selected. Their analysis was sometimes difficult – owing to the scarce characterization of […]

Tinnitus bei otosklerose

Das subjektive Ohrgeraeusch / Tinnitus/ ist eine oft getroffene Erscheinung und wird unregelmäßig bei allen Individen beobachtet. Es ist logisch, besonders wenn es einseitig ist, die Ursache für das Geräusch bei der Otosklerose nämlich in den pathogenetischen Mechanismen der Erkrankung zu suchen. Diese Arbeit präsentiert unsere klinische Beobachtungen auf das Ohrgeräusch bei chirurgisch bestätigten Fällen […]



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