ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

Read the Information for Authors.

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Archived under the topic


The impact of hearing loss in cognitive and motor impairment in the elderly

Monitoring eeg during electrical stimulation for improvement in tinnitus suppression

Temporary tinnitus relief is crucially related to how much patients feel relaxation during electrical stimulation. Electrical stimulation made tinnitus patients experience relief of tinnitus just after the treatment when patients slept during treatment. However, more than 10% of patients did not experience tinnitus relief even if patients reported they could sleep during treatment. My theory […]

P-100 in the treatment of Ménière’s disease, a clinical study

Patients suffering from Ménière’s disease are particularly sensitive to negative pressure in the middle ear. E.g. attacks of vertigo can be triggered by a descent in an aircraft when ventilation of the middle ear can become critical. Positive pressure pulse treatment has shown to have a beneficial effect on the symptomatology, and is now a […]

Flavour disorders in the elderly: a new frontier of neuro-otology

Neural response telemetry – a clinical tool for programming speech processors in children with cochlear implant

Programming of the speech-processors in children provided with Cochlear Implant causes sometimes problems, especially in very small children. This becomes important at this time as the implantation-age of the children decreases continuously. With Neural Response Telemetry (NRT) stands for the Nucleus ® 24 Cochlear Implant system a new principle of programming of the speech processor […]

The effect of music therapy on the early diagnosis of sensoneural hearing loss baby; pilot study of total care

The purpose of this study is to present the results of a pilot study of early detection of sensoneural hearing loss and early intervention to use music therapy, in order to demonstrate the applications of music therapy, and to measure systematically some of its effects on babies. Subjects for this study were 40 babies (22 […]

Tinnitus evoked by speech

Modulation of tinnitus by a variety of somatosensory stimuli and alteration of gaze has been described. We present two cases of tinnitus induced by speech (voice). The tinnitus was troublesome in both patients, and both had hearing loss and ischemic changes in the central nervous system documented by magnetic resonance imaging. We discuss cross-modal plasticity […]

Complicaciones intracraneanas de las otitis medias. reporte de un caso

En la actualidad , las complicaciones intracranealas de las afecciones supuradas del oído medio, gracias al correcto tratamiento de las otitis agudas mediante el empleo de antibióticos y la profilaxis y terapeútica adecuada de las otitis crónicas, han disminuído su frecuencia , transformándose en una rareza. Sin embargo es importante tenerlas en cuenta ya que […]

Dynamics of hearing threshold alteration during the glycerol test in meniere’s disease

Glycerol test is still the most popular non-invasive specific test in Meniere’s disease. There are too few reports in literature regarding dynamics of the hearing level alteration in the course of the glycerol test. PURPOSE – to follow up dynamics of pure tone threshold alteration induced by glycerol in patients with defined Meniere’s disease, suspected […]

Long-term follow-up of tinnitus in patients with otosclerosis after stapes surgery

We prospectively studied 48 otosclerosis patients over a 2-year interval. Forty-four had stapedotomy, and four had stapedectomy. Demographics, clinical history, and pre- and postoperative audiometry results were recorded. A questionnaire asking about tinnitus (intensity, pitch) and including a visual analog scale quantifying the degree (1–10) of annoyance caused by the tinnitus was completed pre- and […]



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