ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Archive by date

Year 2008

Experiences of treatment of sever type of tinnitus

Sever type of tinnitus is very hard to treat because tinnitus is highly inked to emotional system, the limbic system. To treat it, therefore, all means such as life style intervention, consultation, medication, doctor’s rich successful experience and relaxation should be used. External electrical stimulation may be one of relaxation therapy and tinntius relieved once […]

A tendency for tinnitus relief after treatment of bilateral tinnitus

 External electrical stimulation has been used as a relaxation therapy for tinnitus.  The result of treatment comes soon after treatment.  Therefore, we got some interesting tendencies for tinnitus relief after treatment of bilateral tinnitus.  Results. Head ringing located at the center of the head was shifted to which hearing level was worse. Tinnitus at the […]

Vestibular disorders in old age vertigo

Good health is not only a privilege of young generation but also of elderly people. Nowadays 13% of the population has reached the age of 65, and one third of them have vertiginous attack at least once in their life. 45-70% of the elderly has one or more drop attacks yearly. In the Semmelweis University […]

Monaural caloric test in Whiplash injury: a presentation of prevalent butterfly patterns of vestibulo-ocular nystagmus

Patients of whiplash trauma report to a neurootologist with complaints of long standing duration like vertigo, instability, especially on neck movements, vegetative symptoms like nausea, and also auditory symptoms like tinnitus and hearing loss. In addition they complain of neck pain, strain and stiffness. The mechanism of triggering vertigo from the neck is partly explained […]

Neurootological findings in patients, suffering from occipital skull fractures

Skull traumas play an important roll in neurootological expertise writing. Skull traumas may occur at the rhinobasis, i.e. frontally, at the otobasis, i.e. laterally as well as from behind, i.e. occipitally. For this paper we have elected 26 cases of occipital skull fractures which were verified by radiology. It is known that the shockwaves of […]

Neurootological findings after intoxications of the inner ear

Specific chemical intoxications in the inner ear can arise from aminoglycosidic antibiotics. For this paper two samples of 485 patients after treatment with streptomycin and 23 patients after treatment of gentamycin have been randomly selected. The amount of vertigo complaints was more than double as high in the group with gentamycin. This also kept on […]

Tinnitus of the hypersensitive ear or the exogenous tinnitus

Tinnitus belongs to the most important symptoms in neurootology besides of vertigo, nausea and hearing loss. In most of the cases still the origin of the tinnitus is not yet explainable. It is well known that tinnitus may arise in any part of the hearing pathways, i.e., the cochlea receptor as well the temporal lobe […]

Statoacoustic failures with respect to Neurootometric measurements occurring in Tinnitus Cases

Besides of vertigo, nausea and hearing loss tinnitus belongs to the most important symptoms in neurootology. We have to discriminate between an endogenous i.e. a maskable tinnitus, from an exogenous tinnitus, which is nonmaskable. However, both are spontaneous, subjective and annoying phenomena, which frequently still are listed amongst other diseases of the ear. For this […]

Tinnitus due to cochlear irritations

Degenerations, chemical, as well as physical hazards amongst external sources lead to untoward changes in inner ear functions, which frequently go together with the subjective sign of tinnitus. Chemical hazards can arise due to the presence of toxic or irritating gases, vapours from paints, lubricants or chemical solvents, gluing and sticking materials, and especially from […]

Tinnitus of cortical cerebral origin

Amongst our neurootological patients we frequently find multisensorial syndromes, for instance with combinations between tinnitus, hearing impairment, vertigo and nausea. The statistical results are exhibiting that tinnitus is bound to a multifactorial disease background. The topodiagnostic analysis of the stato-acoustic data shows that there exists significantly more central than peripheral pathology. With electro-cochleography, brainstem audiometry […]



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