ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Neurootological findings in patients, suffering from occipital skull fractures

Skull traumas play an important roll in neurootological expertise writing. Skull traumas may occur at the rhinobasis, i.e. frontally, at the otobasis, i.e. laterally as well as from behind, i.e. occipitally. For this paper we have elected 26 cases of occipital skull fractures which were verified by radiology. It is known that the shockwaves of […]

Current trends of neurootological pharmacotherapy

Major neurootological complaints, which mostly need drug treatment, are: giddiness, dizziness, hearing loss and tinnitus. The neurootological differential diagnosis is the basis for planning the mostly supportive treatment of vertigo patients. In planning the therapy, we are utilizing a computerbased expert system CLAMEDEX for establishing the neurootological diagnosis through history, ORL inspection, ENG, calorics, rotatory […]

Typical Caloric ENG Findings in the Claussen-Butterfly in Tinnitus Cases

The aim of this study was to investigate the different caloric findings in the Claussen-Butterflies in tinnitus patients under the assumption of a closely interrelated stato-acoustic network and to correlate these findings with our different tinnitus types. For this we used the NODEC IV data bank and searched for the most frequent types of butterflies […]

Hamangioblastoma. Report a Case

By Definition HEMANGIOBLASTOMA is a benign tumor that may develop on the nervous system that may occur sporadically or in association with Hippel-Lindau disease. It accounts for approximately 2% of intracranial tumors, arising most frequently in the cerebellar hemispheres and vermis. Histologically, the tumors are composed of multiple capillary and sinusoidal channels lined with endothelial […]

Acustic neurinoma. report a case.

By Definition Acoustic Neurinoma is a benign tumor that may develop on the hearing and balance nerves near the inner ear. The tumor results from an overproduction of Schwann cells – small, sheet-like cells that normally wrap around nerve fibers like onion skin and help support the nerves. When growth is abnormally excessive, Schwann cells […]

Die moderne diagnostik bei gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen einschließlich eng, ccg und vbep

Die menschliche Gleichgewichtsfunktion wird durch ein sogenanntes Raumkonzept mit Einspeisung von Informationen aus der Gleichgewichtstetrade, nämlich Auge, Vestibularis, Cochlea und Propriozept im menschlichen Hirnstamm gebildet. Ergänzt wird die Gleichgewichtsregulation durch cerebelläre und kortikale Musterverarbeitungsprozesse und Speicherinhalte. Gleichgewichtsfunktionsstörungen können an den verschiedensten Orten der genannten Rezeptoren, wie auch innerhalb des Zentralnervensystemes entstehen. Für die diagnostische Suche […]

Craneocorpography test review

Many authors have reported different useful studies on the evaluation of the nystagmus which may be spontaneous and induced, any of these authors have been devoted to the study of vestibulo-spinal reflexes.1,2 The diagnosis of patients in modern neuro-otological centres has to include not only the history and examination, but also objective and quantitative tests. […]

Approccio diagnostico ai disturbi dell’equilibrio negli esiti di colpo di frusta

The goal of this work is to study the vestibular system of whiplash people using a 3D dCCG system. A new experimental set-up, based on optoelettronic technique, was developed to evaluate the 3D pattern of movement of head and trunk in different experimental set-ups. The exam protocol is very close to the classical one with […]

Comparative results of the craniocorpography (ccg) and test of balance

Many authors had reported different useful studies in the evaluation of the vestibular function through vestibular, somatosensorial, viso-cortical systems in the Test of Balance.1,8 and to study the vestibular function through vestibuloespinal system in the Cranio-Corpo-Graphy (CCG) 2,3,4 Upon researching 100 patients suffering from vertigo we found that 36 % of them were male patients […]

The mcs (mechanic, cybernetics and synergetics) method in vestibular rehabilitation

Vertigo and dizziness are conscious symptoms and the disturbances are not disequilibrium or nystagmus but the consciousness of disequilibrium and nystagmus. Thus physical rehabilitation must not only be pointed to resolution of objective disorder but it must be aimed to resolution of subjective consciousness of the disorder itself. MCS is the achronimus of mechanic , […]



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