ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Archived under the topic

Equilibriometric tests


ABSTRACT Objective. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) are now being used worldwide as a reproducible screening test of the otholitic function, particularly to assess the saccular function. They have been employed in patients affected by Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (PPV), especially in the relapsing form (RPV). Recently, a new test to study otolithic evoked potentials – […]

Monaural caloric test in Whiplash injury: a presentation of prevalent butterfly patterns of vestibulo-ocular nystagmus

Patients of whiplash trauma report to a neurootologist with complaints of long standing duration like vertigo, instability, especially on neck movements, vegetative symptoms like nausea, and also auditory symptoms like tinnitus and hearing loss. In addition they complain of neck pain, strain and stiffness. The mechanism of triggering vertigo from the neck is partly explained […]

Statoacoustic failures with respect to Neurootometric measurements occurring in Tinnitus Cases

Besides of vertigo, nausea and hearing loss tinnitus belongs to the most important symptoms in neurootology. We have to discriminate between an endogenous i.e. a maskable tinnitus, from an exogenous tinnitus, which is nonmaskable. However, both are spontaneous, subjective and annoying phenomena, which frequently still are listed amongst other diseases of the ear. For this […]

Abnormal Vestibular Dynamics Reflecting Aberrations

 By comparing the per-rotatory and the caloric tests, we can get important information regarding the stato-acoustic system.  Considering the different behaviour of the stato-acoustic system under the influences of the changing dynamics of the shape and the intensity of the supraliminal vestibular stimuli in tinnitus patients, we are trying to find a correlation between the […]

Alterated head stabilization control during walking in whiplash

Vestibular system is primarily dedicated in keeping balance and field of view stable. However many pathologies, especially whiplash injuries, frequently reduce vestibular control with social and economical relevance. Many clinical and instrumental tests are used to analyze posture and gait improving the diagnosis of vestibular disorders. Among instrumental tests, CranioCorpoGraphy (CCG) is an efficient test […]

La stabilizzazione dinamica della testa sul tronco durante il cammino

Head stabilization is necessary during human locomotion in order to contrubute to perception of a stable visual field. Head stabilization is du to the cooperation between vestibular system and proprioception. According to cranio-corpographic experience Authors used a device based on two accelormeters place, respectevely, on th head and the trunk of the subject. Head stabilization […]

3d digital craniocorpography: whiplash injury

The goal of this work is to study the vestibular system of whiplash people using a 3D dCCG system. A new experimental set-up, based on optoelettronic technique, was developed to evaluate the 3D pattern of movement of head and trunk in different experimental set-ups. The exam protocol is very close to the classical one with […]

Bipedestation studied by posturography

Now, with the statistical support of 1500 examined patients, we are ready to confirm the results of our former investigations. Moreover, it is now statistically demonstrated by us that in Test of Balance, the most significant parameters in the 4 tests, from an statistical point of view, are: Equilibrium Area Total Displacement and Average Velocity […]

A comparative study between posturography and other vestibular tests

Human bipedestation is a complex process of cerebral integration of visual, somatosensitive and vestibular information. Therefore, our requirement as physicians, is to try to objectify these cybernetopathologies through studies, in order to be able to prescribe a suitable therapy. The purpose of this work is to submit a comparative statistical study between posturography and other […]

The diagnostic value of isolated preponderance in caloric testing

Objectives: An isolated directional preponderance (PD) on bithermal caloric testing leaves many doubts to neurootology. It is considered by some to be as a transient, benign disorder (Halmagy, GM et al). We tried to elucidate if the PD can be considered important for the clinical diagnosis, without anamnesis. Methods: A retrospective study of 136 electronystagmographies, […]



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