ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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Archived under the topic


Huspatrac – a method of measuring and visualizing human space trails of movements and accelerations of head, neck and body

Since many years we are using the local positioning system of ultrasound computer cranio-corpo-graphy (US-COMP-CCG). The patient is carrying a helmet with 2 ultrasound markers and a shoulder fixation with 2 other ultrasound markers. A computer unit is triggering the ultrasound impulses. Backwardly and above the patient is the ultrsound receiver unit containing several ultrasound […]

Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in definite multiple sclerosis

Patients with definite multiple sclerosis frequently suffer from vestibular disorders due to a vestibulo-oculomotor and vestibulospinal systems involvement. The vestibulospinal reflexes in these subjects can be well investigated through the vestibular evoked myogenic potentials recording. These potentials, evoked by the acoustic stimulation of the saccular macula and mediated by vestibulocollic reflex pathway, are recorded using […]

Analisi della postura nella scoliosi mediante craniocorpografia digitale

L’ equilibrio dell’ uomo e’ una funzione complessa che consente la stabilizzazione delle immagini sulla retina durante il movimento della testa e/o del corpo nello spazio (coordinazione oculomotoria) e l’ opposi-zione alla forza di gravita’ realizzando quindi sia la stazione eretta (coordinazione d’equilibrio statico) sia il movimento nell’ ambiente (coordinazione d’equilibrio dinamico). Contemporaneamente alla coordinazione […]

Stabilization of the head position in pitch plane: study of an imbalanced population during a multi-segment posturography examin

PURPOSE: to evaluate head stabilization in pitch plane in patients with different kinds of imbalance, when standing over firm and movable surfaces. MATERIAL: STATITEST multi-segments platform for recording and computing the postural adjustments at different body levels, detected by two captors placed on the head and hip, in four situations – eyes open and closed […]

Proprioceptive dysfunctions leading to vertigo

Vertigo is especially for older Patients an incapacitating and socially isolating disease. They seem to be drunk during the daytime and do not dare to go out. The treatment of the proprioceptive disorders are easily done manually and lead to lasting cure. Most important are the input cicuits of the so called small neck muscles […]

Ccg in posttraumatic cephalo-cervicaly injured patients compared to functional mri findings

145 cases of cephalo-cervicaly injured patients were intensively investigated and evaluated by means of a modern neurootometric test battery. In addition every patient was seen by a neuro-radiologist with a special newly developed method of funtional MRI scanning, the so-called dynamic functional MRI of the Head, especially of the cranio-cervical junction (head sockle joint) . […]

La stabilometria sonora

L’esame stabilometrico è entrato già da diversi anni nella routine degli esami per la valutazione dei pazienti con problemi di vertigine e o disequilibrio.Presso il Servizio di Audiologia della clinica Orl di Sassari sono stati eseguiti esami stabilometrici sonori su un campione costituito da 20 soggetti di 20 soggetti volontari, sani, di età compresa tra […]

Quantitative evaluation of stepping test data of patients with whiplash through digital craniocorpography

Digital-CranioCorpoGraphy (dCCG) can study the Equilibrium System through simple experimental procedures. The instrumentation records the movements of the head and the trunk of the patient suffering from whiplash syndrome who performs a motor task (Stepping Test).

Indagine posturografica su un campione de atleti

L’ equilibrio attua un coordinamento costante tra input visivi, labirintici, somatosensoriali ed uditivi, al fine di ottenere un controllo ottimale della posizione degli occhi e del corpo nello spazio. Le finalità dell’ equilibrio sono il controllo muscolare in statica e dinamica, la stabilizzazione della funzione visiva, la percezione dei movimenti e l’ organizzazione della sensibilità […]

Posture in patients with peripheral vestibular syndrome: exploratory study

Objectives: To evaluate corporal posture in patients with peripheral vestibular dysfunction, out of crisis. To verify the presence of pain in the muscular system, in cephalic and cervical segments and shoulders. Material and Method: Exploratory study using the modified Kendall protocol of posture evaluation. Eighty-two patients (26 men and 56 women) aged 9 to 84 […]



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