ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Ozone- and pressure-pulse therapy in meniere’s disease

The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of ozone- and pressure-pulse therapy in Meniere’s disease. 15 patients ( 8 men, 7 women) suffering from Meniere’ s disease for 1 to 3 years with permanent sensorineural hypoacusis were tested using objective otoacoustic emissions and SISI test together with subjective anamnesis comparing results before […]

Comparing neurootological complaints in patients at the end of their professional lives (51 – 60 years) with those during t

Geriatrics defines that branch of medicine which treats all problems peculiar to old age and the aging, including the clinical problems of senescence and senility. Aging describes the gradual changes in the structure of any organism that occur with the passage of time, that do not result from disease or other gross accidents, and that […]

The role of vestibular rehabilitation in treatment of postototoxic labyrinthine pathology

Vestibular rehabilitation is a treatment method useful in some specific pacients with vestibular disorders who still complaint of dizziness or disequilibrium after at least 3 month of medical or surgical correct treatment. Vestibular rehabilitation consists of custom-designed daily physical exercises and specific trening exercises three times a week on a special computerized equipment, under ENT […]

Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in brainstem stroke

Objectives/Hypothesis: Despite its widespread application in the posterior fossa tumor, the study of VEMP in cases of posterior fossa stroke remains scarce. The purpose of this paper is to establish the role of VEMP in patients with brainstem stroke. Methods: Acute vertigo patients were admitted and underwent a battery of audio-vestibular testings including caloric test […]

Treatment of severe meniere´s disease using gentamycine and betamethazone labyrinth perfusion

For Meniere`s Disease (M.D.) patients, we are using Betahistin as standard therapy & additionally Urea or Acetazolamide for the attack periods, with good results. But in severe cases of invalidating M.D. causing extensive vertigo, we are using since 6 years labyrinth perfusion by a solution of Gentamycine and Betamethazon. Methods: After insertion of a large […]

Neurosensorial deficits in patients within 1 year and more than a year past myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction comprises gross necrosis of the myocardium, as a result of interruption of the blood supply to the area, as in coronary thrombosis. Myocardial infarction may occur when coronary vessels are narrowed or occlude, as the blood supply to the infarcted heart muscle is seriously impaired. Cardiovascular diseases are extremely wide spread and often […]

Ocular pursuit test with the neck turned, a study in whiplash patients

Whiplash accidents may cause disturbances to the neck and/or CNS, primarily the brainstem. Neurootological findings are frequent. Posture is disturbed when the neck is held in a provocative position. Tjell et al have reported very high frequency of disturbances in the ocular pursuit tested with the neck turned. We tested 34 whiplash patients and 20 […]

Brain mapping activity during 3d virtual reality stimulation in vertigo patients

Cortical activity has been analyzed on 238 patients consulting on vertigo and motion sickness, who were studied through Vestibular Cortical Evoked Potentials Mapping, Brain Mapping in rest state and Brain Mapping under 3D Virtual Reality Stimulation.

Translation, cross-cultural adaptation to brazilian portuguese and

Objective: to translate, to perform a cross-cultural adaptation and to evaluate the reproducibility and reliability of Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) to Brazilian population. The secondary objectives are to describe the results obtained in the use of the questionnaire and to compare them to vestibular evaluation. Method: The cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire to Portuguese spoken […]

Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in meniere’s disease

Objective: Staging of Meniere’s disease proposed by AAO-HNS (1995) was based on the arithmetic mean of the pure tone thresholds at 0.5, 1, 2, and 3kHz, using the worst audiogram during the interval six months before treatment. Accordingly, stage I means four-tone average less than 26 dB; stage II, 26-40 dB, stage III, 41-70 dB, […]



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