ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Monaural caloric test in Whiplash injury: a presentation of prevalent butterfly patterns of vestibulo-ocular nystagmus

Patients of whiplash trauma report to a neurootologist with complaints of long standing duration like vertigo, instability, especially on neck movements, vegetative symptoms like nausea, and also auditory symptoms like tinnitus and hearing loss. In addition they complain of neck pain, strain and stiffness. The mechanism of triggering vertigo from the neck is partly explained […]

Neurootological findings after intoxications of the inner ear

Specific chemical intoxications in the inner ear can arise from aminoglycosidic antibiotics. For this paper two samples of 485 patients after treatment with streptomycin and 23 patients after treatment of gentamycin have been randomly selected. The amount of vertigo complaints was more than double as high in the group with gentamycin. This also kept on […]

Statoacoustic failures with respect to Neurootometric measurements occurring in Tinnitus Cases

Besides of vertigo, nausea and hearing loss tinnitus belongs to the most important symptoms in neurootology. We have to discriminate between an endogenous i.e. a maskable tinnitus, from an exogenous tinnitus, which is nonmaskable. However, both are spontaneous, subjective and annoying phenomena, which frequently still are listed amongst other diseases of the ear. For this […]

Tinnitus of cortical cerebral origin

Amongst our neurootological patients we frequently find multisensorial syndromes, for instance with combinations between tinnitus, hearing impairment, vertigo and nausea. The statistical results are exhibiting that tinnitus is bound to a multifactorial disease background. The topodiagnostic analysis of the stato-acoustic data shows that there exists significantly more central than peripheral pathology. With electro-cochleography, brainstem audiometry […]

Abnormal Vestibular Dynamics Reflecting Aberrations

 By comparing the per-rotatory and the caloric tests, we can get important information regarding the stato-acoustic system.  Considering the different behaviour of the stato-acoustic system under the influences of the changing dynamics of the shape and the intensity of the supraliminal vestibular stimuli in tinnitus patients, we are trying to find a correlation between the […]

Vestibular disorders in old age vertigo

Objectives: Good health is not only a privilege of young generation but also of elderly people. Nowadays 13% of the population has reached the age of 65, and one third of them have vertiginous attack at least once in their life. 45-70% of the elderly has one or more drop attacks yearly. Methods: In the […]

Hamangioblastoma. Report a Case

By Definition HEMANGIOBLASTOMA is a benign tumor that may develop on the nervous system that may occur sporadically or in association with Hippel-Lindau disease. It accounts for approximately 2% of intracranial tumors, arising most frequently in the cerebellar hemispheres and vermis. Histologically, the tumors are composed of multiple capillary and sinusoidal channels lined with endothelial […]

Prediction of vertigo based on the body condition: -Preliminary report

If onset of vertigo could be known before, patients could control the attack. That would be of benefits to those patients. At the NES conference in Bad Kissingen the year before last I showed that vertigo patients with higher heart rate would be sensitive to rapid change in the atmospheric pressure. In order to avoid […]

Viral infection and hsp-70 in ménière disease

Meniere’s disease (MD) is an idiopathic inner ear disorder characterized by fluctuating hearing loss, episodic vertigo and tinnitus. Its aetiology is unknown, although there is growing evidence that autoimmunity may be involved in its development. Our preliminary report investigated the co-occurence of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and viral and autoimmune antibodies in subjects affected […]

Alterated head stabilization control during walking in whiplash

Vestibular system is primarily dedicated in keeping balance and field of view stable. However many pathologies, especially whiplash injuries, frequently reduce vestibular control with social and economical relevance. Many clinical and instrumental tests are used to analyze posture and gait improving the diagnosis of vestibular disorders. Among instrumental tests, CranioCorpoGraphy (CCG) is an efficient test […]



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