ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

The editors welcome authors to submit articles for publications in the ASN.

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Archived under the topic


Tinnitus bei otosklerose

Das subjektive Ohrgeraeusch / Tinnitus/ ist eine oft getroffene Erscheinung und wird unregelmäßig bei allen Individen beobachtet. Es ist logisch, besonders wenn es einseitig ist, die Ursache für das Geräusch bei der Otosklerose nämlich in den pathogenetischen Mechanismen der Erkrankung zu suchen. Diese Arbeit präsentiert unsere klinische Beobachtungen auf das Ohrgeräusch bei chirurgisch bestätigten Fällen […]

Sequential sound therapy in tinnitus

Sequential sound therapy, which uses wide-band white noise distinguished by some unique characteristics, is applied in the treatment of tinnitus. The methodology is described, as are the differences from and similarities to tinnitus retraining therapy. We have performed sequential sound therapy in 26 patients from 2002 through part of 2003. Thirty-eight generators of sounds were […]

Neurootological test profiles in workers with noisy and chemical environments

Our modern public health prevision scheme deals with the protection of workers’ health. This is necessary to reduce or eliminate hazards due to work. Industrial accidents and unsafe working conditions may result in health disturbances, acute or chronic illnesses. Chemical, as well as physical hazards amongst external sources lead to untoward changes in health. Hazards […]

Long-term follow-up of tinnitus in patients with otosclerosis after stapes surgery

We prospectively studied 48 otosclerosis patients over a 2-year interval. Forty-four had stapedotomy, and four had stapedectomy. Demographics, clinical history, and pre- and postoperative audiometry results were recorded. A questionnaire asking about tinnitus (intensity, pitch) and including a visual analog scale quantifying the degree (1–10) of annoyance caused by the tinnitus was completed pre- and […]

Neurootological test results in rehabilitation

For this study we have selected tinnitus patients who suffer from tinnitus during their professional life. Therefore this group has undergone a therapeutic rehabilitation therapy for tinnitus with a programmed ameliorative improving therapy with guidance, exercise, instructions and special tinnitus rehab-program. As has been proved by vestibular evoked cortical potentials, together with charting by means […]

Tinnitus suppression therapy

It has long been suspected that an important relationship exists between inner and outer hair cells, and that a disturbance of this relationship could lead to the phenomenon of tinnitus. The electromodel of the auditory system describes one mechanism of this inter-hair cell relationship. Following this model a mechanism exists, driven by mechanosensitive outer hair […]

Gene-based diagnostic and treatment methods for tinnitus

The etiology of tinnitus combines hereditary and environmental factors. To help develop optimal therapies for tinnitus, it is necessary to characterize the genetic contributors to the pathophysiology and to design treatments at the level of the gene. Inner ear gene therapy involves delivery of genes into the vestibular or auditory portions of the inner ear […]

Intra ear catheter (iec) – 3 years experience

On the ENT Dept at 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University Prague has been used 15 IEC for the therapy at chronic tinnitus. The succes ratio is evaluated by the mean of visual analogue scala (VAS) and by tinnitometr i.e. by meassurment of intensity (dB) and frequency (Hz) of tinnitus. Duration of tinnitus oscillated between […]

Use of high-frequency and muscle vibration in the treatment of tinnitus

Although tinnitus is defined as an internal auditory sensation, external auditory stimuli can mask tinnitus under some circumstances. High-frequency vibration delivered as bone conduction stimulation is effective in masking high-pitched tinnitus. In this preliminary report, somatosensory stimulation in the form of low-frequency muscle vibration can also mask high-frequency tinnitus. Somatosensory stimulation provides fast, immediate relief, […]

Comparison of hydroxyethyl starch and dextran in the treatment of sudden deafness of vascular origin

Objective/Hypothesis: The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of hydroxyethyl starch (HES 200) in the treatment of sudden deafness of vascular origin, and compare it with that of dextran 40. Study Design: Prospective study Methods: Ten patients with sudden deafness of vascular origin undergoing HES 200 therapy with the treatment program as […]



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