ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Archive by date

Year 2003

Treatment of severe meniere´s disease using gentamycine and betamethazone labyrinth perfusion

For Meniere`s Disease (M.D.) patients, we are using Betahistin as standard therapy & additionally Urea or Acetazolamide for the attack periods, with good results. But in severe cases of invalidating M.D. causing extensive vertigo, we are using since 6 years labyrinth perfusion by a solution of Gentamycine and Betamethazon. Methods: After insertion of a large […]

Frequenzmodulierte mikroströme niedriger intensität sind erfolgreich in der behandlung des morbus sudeck

The authors report on the clinically successful therapy of 49 Morbus Sudeck patients, stage II and III after accident and/or operation with low-intensity frequency modulated alternating currents. Following the recently published highly effective therapy of Psoriasis (Philipp et al. 2000), where a modulated alternating current (Interferential Current) was used and applied at low amperage, treatment […]

Ozone- and pressure-pulse therapy in meniere’s disease

The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of ozone- and pressure-pulse therapy in Meniere’s disease. 15 patients ( 8 men, 7 women) suffering from Meniere’ s disease for 1 to 3 years with permanent sensorineural hypoacusis were tested using objective otoacoustic emissions and SISI test together with subjective anamnesis comparing results before […]

Carcinoma verrugoso de conducto auditivo externo

In this work we describe the Verrucous Carcinoma characteristics in the external auditory conduct. It is an infrequent tumor in that area, with an apparently innocuous cytology but locally an invader. In describing the clinic of this pathology, the necessary complementary studies to reach a sure diagnosis, the deferential diagnosis that must be taken into […]

Tratamiento quirúrgico del exoftalmos en la enfermedad de graves

El tratamiento quirúrgico en la orbitopatía de la enfermedad de Graves es una alternativa válida para solucionar los casos graves con compromiso de la agudeza visual y para la solución de problemas estéticos. Las complicaciones que hemos tenido con esta cirugía fueron de escasa magnitud a la hora de evaluar los resultados postoperatorios.

Hemangiopericitoma de cavidad nasal

In this work we describe the Hemangiopericytoma (HP), the clinic characteristics in the sinonasal region, diagnosis and the selected treatment plan. Next, we exposure a clinic case. Resumen: En este trabajo se describe al Hemangiopericitoma, las características clínicas de ésta patología en la región sinonasal, su diagnóstico y el plan De tratamiento de elección. A […]

Magnetic evoked potential: verification?

Magnetic impulses play major role in today environment, so it is important to estimate their influence on the human body. From this point of view the problem of correct criteria is of special value. This considerations have provoked the study proposed. The item of the study has been to try recording the brain response to […]

Analisi della postura nella scoliosi mediante craniocorpografia digitale

L’ equilibrio dell’ uomo e’ una funzione complessa che consente la stabilizzazione delle immagini sulla retina durante il movimento della testa e/o del corpo nello spazio (coordinazione oculomotoria) e l’ opposi-zione alla forza di gravita’ realizzando quindi sia la stazione eretta (coordinazione d’equilibrio statico) sia il movimento nell’ ambiente (coordinazione d’equilibrio dinamico). Contemporaneamente alla coordinazione […]

Dizziness, hearing loss, tinnitus and nausea in otosclerosis

Neurotologic patients may present with a variety of chief complaints. It is not unusual to present with primary presenting symptoms of dizziness, hearing loss and tinnitus. Unusual in presentation is nausea without dizziness. A common finding as the fundamental etiology in many patients is the eventual diagnosis of otosclerosis …….

A choice of disease for studying vestibular compensation in man : the betahistine example

The author proposes, as disease for the study of drugs activity on vestibular compensation mechanisms in man, a peripheral labyrinthine disease without spontaneous nystagmus of type II or III. He evaluates the state of compensation by the evolution of static posturography parameters and by the score of Norre’s VHT (vestibular habituation training) during an observation […]



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